Don't You Remember Page 4
“Jen, Jen Redman? Wait up,” came a familiar voice. It was Samantha, running towards where I was standing; close to the front doors of the school, and so close to the car park where Johnny would be waiting for me. “Jen, did you know Johnny and I had broken up?”
“I do, Sam. I hope you are all right.”
“Do you know why? It feels like it’s come out of the blue.”
“It’s between you and Johnny, Sam. I can’t comment.”
“Someone told me they saw you two together this morning, hand in hand.”
“Well, you know what we’re like, we’re close, right?”
“Yeah you are. I thought you might know what’s going on with him that’s all. Never mind. I’ll see you later.”
“See you, Sam,” I said as I turned and walked to Johnny’s car where he was sitting, fiddling with the radio. “Hey, Jen.”
I opened the car door and met his eyes. “Hi.”
Johnny lent over to kiss me but I put my hand up. “Not here, not now. Wait until we get out of the car park.”
“OK,” he said revving up the car and leaving the school grounds. The sight of Johnny and me in a car together was a common occurrence, everyone knew we were tight, they just didn’t know how tight.
“I just saw Sam in the corridor. She was asking questions about you, like why you ended it and something about someone seeing the two of us together this morning.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her she must know we are tight. She agreed with that, but I didn’t deny anything. I think we should keep things quiet at school, at least for now, just until she gets used to it.”
“All right,” Johnny agreed as he drove down Russell Street.
When we got home, Johnny stopped the car, parked up and walked around to my side of the vehicle, opening the door for me and taking my hand as I stepped out. “My Lady,” he said jokingly.
I curtseyed and said, “Why thank you,” then smiled and tried to find the right words to finish the sentence “Ah… sir?”
We held hands at the passenger side of the car and glanced at each other, grinning. He kissed my lips. “Well, I think it’s safe now,” he said, giving me a cheeky wink.
“It sure is,’ I announced dropping my bag and throwing my arms around his neck, kissing him right back. Walking away, I caught Johnny standing still watching me as if mesmerized. “Come on then,” I shouted. “What are you waiting for?”
Johnny ran up casually to me and slapped his arm around my shoulder, just like he had done with Samantha that day when I first saw them together.
“Are you working today?” I asked, knowing that his work roster changed every week.
“Yeah, I’ll drive down in about an hour. I’ll get something to eat first. Do you want to come over?”
“Maybe,” I said cheekily as I walked up the front steps on my porch, still holding Johnny’s hand and then yanking him up to come inside.
I noticed the front door was locked which meant my parents were out, probably at Johnny’s house with his mum and her boyfriend or perhaps somewhere else, maybe at the pub having a social drink or two or three or much more. I found my keys with one hand, still holding onto Johnny’s hand with the other, and unlocked the door. I walked inside pulling Johnny inside with me. I closed the door, locked it and pushed him to the wall gently kissing his lips. My hands glided up towards the back of his neck where I loosely rested them for a moment. I couldn’t resist touching his face with my lips and began to kiss him intently and passionately. I could feel him getting hard. He grabbed me around the waist with one arm and pulled me toward him. “Jen Redman, you’re in trouble now,” he said smirking and putting his other arm around my waist, picking me up and carrying me off to my bedroom. My heart pulsated, enthused with eagerness. He threw me on my bed and I laughed out loud, grinning and wondering what was in store for me, what kind of trouble was I in? What was he going to do to me? I didn’t care what it was; I just wanted him to do it.
He lifted my shirt and tank t-shirt and began kissing me on my navel. I loved it, giggling with excitement. Johnny looked up at me and smiled back, I took this opportunity to kiss him again, placing my hands on his face and bringing him to me. Next I felt down his body by moving my hands down to his jeans. I undid his button and opened his zip placing my hand on his boxers and touched his bulge feeling his hardness. I liked it, I liked it a lot.
He moaned, “My God, you drive me crazy,” then he kissed me. “But not now, not this way, not when I’ve got to go to work in under an hour,” he said pushing himself up and off my bed and checked his watch.
“Damn it,” I smirked playfully. “Come on. Let me make you something. There’s probably not much food in the house, but let me see what we’ve got.”
“You don’t have to cook for me.”
“Cook? I hope you use the term cook loosely, because I don’t really cook. I mean yeah, I can make pasta, beans on toast, that kind of thing.”
“You don’t have to make anything.”
“Come on,” I said raising my eyebrows to show him that making him something to eat was no big deal. We walked from my bedroom, through the small hallway and into the kitchen. I rummaged through the cupboards and looked in the fridge. I wasn’t very inventive when it came to cooking. My palette was fairly bland, given I didn’t have much food to choose from.
With the cupboard doors opened I suggested tuna pasta. “I’ll make a tomato-based sauce with tuna and a bit of cream cheese mixed in. I’ll whip up some pasta and ‘voila’, it’s done. I have to make something for myself anyway.”
“All right, Jen. Only if it’s no trouble.”
“It’s no trouble.”
The front door opened and my parents walked in, evident that they had been drinking. “Hi, sweetheart,” my mother said looking right through me, eyes glazed.
“Jen, what are you doing?” my father asked, not really interested in the answer. He light-heartedly punched Johnny’s fit arm. “Johnny old lad, how are you? We’ve just been to the pub with your mum. She should be at home now.”
“That’s good, Will,” Johnny replied, addressing my father by his first name, like he always does. “Did you have a good time?”
“We did.” My father stumbled towards the hallway on the way to the bathroom.
“Mum, do you want something to eat?” I asked.
“No, you make yourself something. Your father and I will eat later,” she slurred, heading towards her bedroom. I followed behind to check if she was all right. My mother kicked off her shoes and fell on her bed, needing to sleep off some of the drink.
I busied myself in the kitchen and eventually served up the meal and carried two plates to the small round kitchen table. “I hope it tastes better than it looks?” I laughed.
“It’s really good,” Johnny said, shovelling a load in his mouth.
“You’re just saying that to be nice. You haven’t even swallowed it,” I defended.
“No it’s good, I like it, you have cooking flare.” He winked.
“Now I know you are completely bonkers. You don’t have to tell white lies to get me into bed, I’ll happily do that.”
Johnny laughed, “It’s good.”
“Eating that fast means you can’t savour the taste.”
“I know, but I’ve got to go to work,” he said, getting up from his chair and picking up his plate to take it to the sink.
“Don’t worry about clearing up, I’ll do that.”
“It’s no trouble,” he said, walking back over and kissing me on the forehead. “I’ll see you after work.” And with that he left.
I sat in my room finishing off my sociology essay about the effects of long term unemployment. My hands were aching after two hours writing almost six pages on the subject. I felt confident with what I had written and reminded myself to reread it in the morning to see if I still liked it and for proofreading purposes. I had used my time wisely while I waited to see
Johnny again. I decided to lie on my bed and listen to some music. The radio was playing REO Speedwagon’s Can’t Fight This Feeling, which I related to my current situation.
My curtains were opened so that I would see when Johnny got home. I curled up under my blanket and shut my eyes, tired from the night before. I must have fallen asleep because I woke to a tap on my window. It was Johnny who could see I was in bed. I got up to meet him and invited him over.
“I’ve been boxing with the guys, so I’ll have a shower first,” he said.
“OK. I’ll go and open the front door for you, just come in when you’re ready.”
I decided to have a shower also, to help wake me up. I could shave my legs at the same time. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower to let the water run a little until the hot water set in. I undressed and got into the shower, washing my long dark brown hair and shaved my legs, so they would be smooth and silky. I turned off the hot water, dried myself and got out, wrapping a towel around my body and then using another towel to wrap around my head.
When I opened my bedroom door I found Johnny sitting on my bed, wearing a cotton white tank and track bottoms, “I’ve been waiting for you,” he grinned, looking at me from head to toe.
I smiled back and said, “You were quick, a pleasant surprise.”
I sat next to him on my bed, looking straight into his eyes. He kissed me and I kissed him back. “Mmm,” he said licking his lips. I smiled and bent forward to take the towel off my head, tossing my hair around liberally.
“That’s much better,” I said touching the back of my neck, freeing it from the weight of the towel. I moved forward and kissed him again and pushed him down on my bed. I remembered my curtains were opened and I immediately got up to close them. “Now then,” I said cheekily, “where were we?” I jumped on top of him fixing my body neatly so that my face met his. He put his arms around my waist and then moved them down to my bottom. I grinned with excitement. He repositioned his hands on my cheeks and gently moved my face forward so that he could kiss me, and then planted one on my lips, kissing me urgently yet passionately. We got lost in the moment, loving every second of it.
He moved my slim body to his side so that I was lying on my back with the towel still wrapped around me. Johnny was perched up on one of his elbows and faced me. My towel was fastened at the top where I had gathered a chunky portion of cotton towelling and folded it over a layer of towel. I manoeuvred my body position to imitate his, now lying on my side on one elbow. I ran one hand down Johnny’s arms, enjoying the feel of his perfectly curved muscles. We looked at each other as if time had stopped. I took his hand and placed it at the top of my towel indicating for him to take it off, but he didn’t, instead he kept his hand on the opening and moved his hand down the towel slowly, not taking his eyes off me. I breathed deeply in anticipation of what was to follow. His hand reached just below my groin, he stopped there and he gently found his way through the maze of towel to the top of my thigh, keeping his hand on my bare flesh.
This was too much for me. I gestured for him to move up by placing my hand on his elbow and pushed it up. But he wasn’t moving. We continued to stare into each other’s eyes. I was desperate for things to move on, feeling heavily aroused I laid on my side and I took my hand to the top of his track bottoms and fiddled with the elastic, teasing him by running my finger between his skin and the waist band in an attempt to entice him to progress to heavier petting. I bit down on lip and then moved my body closer to his while he continued to gaze into my eyes remaining cool and calm all the while. I walked my fingers slowly under his track bottoms and discovered he wasn’t wearing boxers. I paused for a second and then advanced on further. Johnny gave out a small pleasurable moan while my hand held his erection. This was the closest and most intimate I had ever been to anyone, but I didn’t think twice about it, it felt so right. Still looking into Johnny’s eyes I lifted my eyebrows and moved my head slightly to the direction of my towel, signifying that it was all right for him to proceed further too.
Johnny rubbed my upper thigh lightly and then slowly walked his fingers between my legs, still watching my every expression, while we faced each other still lying on our sides, perched up on one elbow. I moaned quietly feeling his fingers enter me. He moved my hand from his groin and took my arm above my head then placed me on my flat on my back. He moved my other arm over my head and cradled my wrists with his big manly hand to hold my arms in place. He motioned forward over me and kissed me slowly and fervently on my lips. I went with whatever he did, all moves completely at his will.
“Oh God, umm... this feels so good,” I moaned, unable to free myself from his grasp. I was so aroused I almost wanted to break free to grab his erection and put it where I wanted it to be, but I couldn’t. “Johnny…” I managed to say through a deep stimulated breath, “please, please let me…” unable to finish the sentence but he got the gist and released his hand from my wrists.
I pulled his body on top of mine. “Take these off,” I said, trying to push his tracks down as fast as I could. He said nothing then released his fingers from inside me to help take his clothes off. He lay naked next to me, perfect and hugely turned on. I grabbed his bulge and stroked his genitalia as if I had done this before. “Jen, I’m trying to take it slow, you drive me wild. I want to, it’s just that I don’t want it to be over in five minutes.”
I stopped and straddled him, my towel still wrapped around me, wet hair hanging over the front of my body. I rubbed his erection up and down with my groin but did not let him enter me yet. Johnny lifted one hand and opened my fastened towel to reveal my naked body, breast firm and nipples pert and stiff. I looked down at my chest briefly and thought they looked good, happy to please him. He took his hands to my breast and played with my nipples gently, massaging them, enjoying them. Fully naked he moved me with one flip onto my back. He positioned his body between my legs but did not enter. I whimpered with eagerness. Johnny bent over me kissing my breasts, loving them, shaping them, he continued to fire up my desire. I felt his dark brown hair at the same time as his lips moved down my body slowing, kissing all around my navel, he continued to kiss below the hollow surface on my stomach stopping to have a look at my pubic area.
“Don’t stop,” I said.
He met my eyes and then bent back down to my lips. He pulled himself up on one arm and opened my legs gently massaging my thighs with his firm hands and placed himself between them. He was apprehensive to advance, realizing that there would be no turning back now. I put my hands on the cheeks of his bottom and pushed them towards me to show that I wanted him to go in. He entered slowly, very slowly, looking into my eyes, watching my face as I watched his, finally giving into our desires. I moaned with enjoyment as Johnny began to make love to me. “You are so good, oh God don’t stop,” I said, pulling him forward to kiss me again. “Don’t you stop,” I muttered again, loving the feeling of him inside me.
“I don’t know how long I can last,” he said in between kisses.
“No. This feels so good, don’t stop, just keep doing what you are,” I said feeling the contours of his back.
The bedside table light allowed me to see the very best of Johnny, with the shadows outlining his perfect curves and moulds. “You’re perfect,” I told him.
“I’m glad you feel that,” he said still moving into me gently. “I think you’re perfect, too.”
I liked the words and kissed him again, realizing I had pent up pleasure in my groin which was going to explode, “don’t stop,” I continued… “I’m going to come.”
“Me too.”
“Not yet, just wait… just wait a second,” I moaned pushing him into me faster with my hands.
“Hold on, hold on… OK… now,” I exploded.
He released, pushing his teeth down onto his bottom lip then squinted sexually gratified. He stopped and looked at me.
“Oh, Johnny, that was absolutely unbelievable, you are unbelievable.”
Johnny sm
iled and moved forward to kiss me again. “No, Jen, you are the unbelievable one. I’ve never come at the same time as anyone, and let me tell you that feeling is none other than sensational. And this was your first time!”
“Well, we will have to do it again.”
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Johnny said, slowly releasing himself from me. Naked we lay next to each other, Johnny on his back and me on my side with one leg curled over his body. He held onto my leg and kissed my forehead. “I love you, Jen Redman and I always have.”
I yawned. “And I love you, Johnny Cromwell and I always have.”
We lay there in delight, silent, in a state of sheer happiness enjoying the moment and wishing we could stay like that forever. Without knowing it we fell asleep lying on my single bed, naked bodies touching, curled up together.
We woke up early, my single bed not allowing us to enjoy an extra long sleep. “Good morning,” I said with a sleepy smile.
“Morning, kiddo,” Johnny replied, kissing my forehead. He got up and picked his clothes off the floor. “Right, I’d better get out of here, I’ve got a few things I need to do and then I’ll meet you at the car, same time,” he announced, putting on his track bottoms.
“Can you pass me my robe?”
“No. I like looking at you naked,” he grinned.
“Well, just pass it over and, when you’re fully dressed, I’ll put the robe on.”
Johnny threw the robe hanging on the back of my bedroom door over to me.
“Thank you,” I said sweetly, putting it on.
I followed Johnny to the front door. “Bye for now,” I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“Bye,” he whispered before dashing away.
I walked, grinning, back to my bedroom, got back into bed and turned my alarm on for an hour’s time.
Johnny was already at the Trans-Am when I left the house. He stood in front of the car with the hood open, checking the oil and water. He placed his hand sideways and brought it to his forehead to shield the sun from his eyes so he could see me properly. I walked to him clumsily, dragging my bag behind me, excited to see him. Johnny closed the hood and sat on it watching and waiting until I reached him. I was about a metre away from him when I stopped for a brief moment and dropped my bag. I smiled and jumped forward and pulled the centre of his t-shirt toward me bringing Johnny’s face to mine, then planted a long smouldering kiss on his lips and threw my arms around him. He placed his big hands around my waist as he spun me around, lifted me up and carried me to the passenger side of the car. “Nice to see you too,” he grinned, closing the car door after me. He walked to his side of the car collecting my bag on the way and throwing it in the back seat.